The Maine Coon – The specifics of the breed
As the title suggests, this breed comes from the State of Maine in the United States. It is one of the oldest breeds living in nature, the largest domesticated breed, gaining popularity in Europe in recent years. There are several reasons for this. Maine Coon cats have a very friendly nature and a very noble appearance.

Semi-long coat and prominent ear tufts
“Main Coon cats are large, having a semi-long coat and characteristic ear tufts. While laymen may not spot these tufts at first, it still is one of the basic characteristics of the breed. Maine Coon cats also have prominent cheekbones and a square-shaped nose,” breeder Darina Tarabini describes the breed. Another feature that is typical for these cats is the tufts of hair on their paws, which in some cases are so long that they may protrude up to two centimeters between the fingers.
Ideal for families
The breed is also popular for its temperament. These are very friendly animals that love company and enjoy playing. They require quite a lot of attention, which makes them great for families with children. “If there is anything surprising about this breed of cats, then it is the power of the sounds they can make. Maine Coon cats give the impression of large purring beasts,” Tarabini says.
Getting to know each other step by step
These animals are also good with other animal partners, be it other cats or even dogs. The initial introduction, however, is important here. When you bring your new family member home for the first time, make sure to introduce the newcomer to the rest of the pack carefully and gradually. The animals will need to find their way to each other, but this should not be a problem thanks to the Maine Coon’s cheerful nature.
Cat or dog?
Thanks to their friendly character and frequent need to cuddle, living with this breed can resemble living with a dog. Maine Coon cats, too, welcome their owners at the doorstep, even enjoying fetching games in some cases. Their love of water is also typical for them. They will see their water bowl or even puddles outside as toys.
Easy coat care
Although it may be hard to believe at first, taking care of a Main Coon’s coat does not require a lot of time. This, of course, is because a significant part of this task is done by the cat itself. However, since the coat of Main Coon cats is semi-long, combing is recommended to be done at regular intervals once a week.