How It Works with Allergy to Animals’ Fur I. – Allergen, the Symptoms of the Allergy

Did you know that the concept of "allergy to fur" is actually a nonsense? The hair itself are not the only allergens. So what exactly is the person allergic to if he/she is allergic to dogs/cats and does he/she have to get rid of the animal immediately when the allergy occurs? And are there some hypoallergenic breeds?

Did you know that the concept of "allergy to fur" is actually a nonsense? The hair itself are not the only allergens. So what exactly is the person allergic to if he/she is allergic to dogs/cats and does he/she have to get rid of the animal immediately when the allergy occurs? And are there some hypoallergenic breeds?

The society is misleaded that when a person is allergic to dogs/pets, he/she is allergic to their fur. And then people think that cats and dogs without fur or some breed that does not moult will not cause allergy. But it’s not true.

What is actually the allergen?

Allergens are proteins which can be found mainly in saliva, sweat, urine and dandruff of animals. These secretions easily stick to hair. The allergens of animals are very adhesive so they easily stick to walls or any objects or clothes. They can even stick to dust grains. Moreover, after they get dry they start to evaporate into air.

So the problems are not caused by the direct contact with the pet alone. The allergic reaction can occur even at the place where no animal has been for months or where no animal has ever been.

The source of the most aggressive allergens are cats and various rodents.

What are the most frequent symptoms of allergy to cats or dogs?

  • runny nose, itching, sneezing, increased production of watery mucus, swelling that makes passing the air through the nose more difficult;
  • eczema, red itching nidi;
  • itching eyes, red eyes, lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids;
  • whistle on bronchus, problems with taking a deep breath, increased production of thick mucus, slight coughing, asthma.

Are there any breeds that are suitable for an allergic person?

As I have already explained, it does not depend on the length of animal’s hair. And how much the animal moults is also not a determining element.

But the breed still plays some role. Some excrete more allergens and others only rarely cause allergic reactions.

However, the amount of allergens which the animal excretes depends on its diet, health or hygiene. It can also happen that the allergic person does not have reactions to his/her own pet but he/she will have allergic reactions to other pets of the same breed.

I will show you in the next part of the article that even when in the event that the allergy occurred you don’t have to give away your pet (unless it is an extreme case). Only a few precautions is enough to eliminate the allergens at your home as much as possible.

Do you have an allergy to dogs, cats or rodents? How did you deal with it? Did you have to give your pet away or did you find a solution?

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