Immunity support for the dog immune system during autumn and winter

With changes of the temperatures accompanying the autumn, higher demands are put on the organism and thus its immune system. That’s why it’s not unreasonable to start and boost the immunity already now. Remember, that prevention is always better and cheaper than the final solution of problems.

With changes of the temperatures accompanying the autumn, higher demands are put on the organism and thus its immune system. That’s why it’s not unreasonable to start and boost the immunity already now. Remember, that prevention is always better and cheaper than the final solution of problems.

The most common infection or exposure to cold  impacts the breathing apparatus. Inflammation of the bladder often occurs as well. So, how to boost the immunity of a dog? The main principle is a balanced and varied diet, which gives the animal all the necessary substances. Not only energy, but also catalysts of biochemical reactions (e.g. vitamins and iron). Some granules contain everything that the dog needs. But you can also give it various supplements, there’s more than enough of them for the support of the immunity on the Czech market, salmon oil will also help.

It’s also important to follow the drinking regime in the dog and regular movement that’s sufficient for it. For dogs living permanently outside, thoroughly isolate the doghouse or enable them access to the garage or the corridor. Get them an appropriate bed, which won’t soak. Don’t forget to change its water several times a day and increase the doses of granules. Since energy consumption to warm up is great. For those with little fur, buy some clothes for outdoor walks. You’ve got plenty to choose from.

However, dog clothes aren’t appropriate for a hairless dog only. If a dog permanently lives in a flat, its adaptation to cold is quite low. Most of us are used to heating a lot at home in winter and the temperature difference is a big shock for the dog on a walk. In addition, a dog is much more exposed to the cold than a human due to its height. Therefore, even a dog with a furry coat will use some clothes. For example, I’m happy with a soft-shell vest. It’s relatively thin so it doesn’t limit the dog in its movement, it’s also water-proof and it keeps them warm erfectly.

While walking with your dog in the winter, don’t stand about anywhere with the dog. It’s by movement that heat is formed, so the dog can get cold fast if it doesn’t have enough movement to warm up. In this case, not even clothes will help. Of course you have to change also the length of the walks and rather shorten them until the dog gets at least a bit used to the cold.

Are you looking forward to the winter with your dog already, how you’ll be frolicking in the snow? Or are you rather worried about muddy days, when not only your partner doesn’t forget to sweep out every puddle, but it also gives you a proper hug afterwards :)?

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