Portraits of popular breeds both at home and in the world: British Shorthair cat

The British Shorthair cat is without a doubt the most popular cat breed not only in the Czech Republic, but also in the rest of Europe. This is caused not only by its appearance of a small Teddy bear, but also a mild, trouble-free nature.

The British Shorthair cat adapts very well, and therefore it will be content in almost any environment, from the countryside to a small attic apartment. This is also one of the reasons why this breed is so popular. Even beginners with no experience will manage to care for it. It has a balanced and peaceful nature, and therefore, it is the ideal companion for most people.

Many breeders, who choose this breed, will be captivated by the strikingly round head with large, expressive eyes. Its appearance of a small teddy bear is further completed by its stocky physique and a very soft and supple hair. All this really attracts the human to pick up the cat and give it a proper cuddle. British Shorthair cats are bred in a wide variety of fur colours and types, from which anyone will surely be able to choose (a total of 229 colour varieties are recognised by FIFe!). However, the most popular has already since the beginning been the blue one.

The origin of the breed is in the UK around the year 1900, when the English aristocracy started to breed it. The aim was to achieve the body of powerfully built Angora cat, the forerunner of the Persian Longhair cat, but with short hair. Therefore, they selected their domestic cats with compact and stocky built and interbred them with Persian cats.

Initially, the British Shorthairs were bred primarily in blue colour. Other colours originated gradually thanks to the additional breeding of Persian cats, which is performed to this day, in order for the British cat not to lose with its type. Thanks to these Persian relatives, it may happen that sometimes longhaired kittens are born to two British Shorthair cats.

The nature of the British aristocrats changes and develops with age. As kittens, they are just as playful as other breeds. After one or two years, however, most of them become less active and they grow more independent. They can entertain themselves on their own and they can easily handle even a weekend by themselves. They do not need a cat partner to be content, as it usually is with many other breeds. Thanks to their balanced and pleasant nature, however, they fit well into the company of other cats, dogs or a small child. This is one of the reasons why they are so widely kept.

Even the care for them isn’t demanding in any way. Their thick coat doesn’t require any complex or frequent maintenance. They’ll be happy for cuddles and attention, but only in a reasonable amount and they won’t particularly clamour for it.

As you can see, the British Shorthairs are attractive with their appearance, truly anyone can choose from the wide range of colours, and thanks to their nature and adaptability, they fit into any environment and type of family. British Shorthair cats thus can be the right companion literally almost for anyone. However, good socialisation at an early age is essential, after all, as in any other cat.

Do you have experience with British Shorthair cats? Have these little bears enchanted you? I personally rather prefer more lively cats, but I understand why it’s the British Shorthairs who have won the heart of so many owners.


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