Prevention by nutrition – what food to choose for puppies of miniature dog breeds?

Miniature dog breeds have specific requirements for nutrition and care in general. Their physical development is much faster. Besides from their subtle composition of body and jaws, it is therefore also necessary to take into account their fast metabolism. How to properly feed puppies of these little sweethearts?

Miniature dog breeds have specific requirements for nutrition and care in general. Their physical development is much faster. Besides from their subtle composition of body and jaws, it is therefore also necessary to take into account their fast metabolism. How to properly feed puppies of these little sweethearts?


They are small but that doesn’t mean they have little energy to live their lives with. The puppies of miniature dog breeds need the best care as well as the puppies of medium and large dog breeds. They need it to have a healthy life and to grow and become healthy and strong dogs – little dogs, in this case. The core is to choose the right dry dog food. Always choose it by age and size of your dog. In this case, the food for puppies of small dog breeds should be of your interest. An interesting new product range on the market is Brit Care Mini with its product called Brit Care Mini Grain Free Puppy. But what to do about the nutrition of a mini puppy practically?

Split a daily food ration into several portions


For proper metabolism functioning, it is necessary to provide sufficient energy input to the puppy. Feeding should be ideally split into several food rations. It is recommended to split it into three to five portions. It does not only depend on the appetite and activity of your little doggie but also – for some surprisingly – on the ambient factors such as temperature. In hot summer days, the whole daily food ration can be slightly smaller than in freezing cold winter. The organism of small dogs is exposed to increased demands for thermoregulation which is caused by their small size and the fact they are close to the ground where they get cold faster.


Also stick to the recommended daily amounts of food you can find on its packaging. You definitely won’t do good to your little dog by giving it a bit more than the recommended ration is. By exceeding the daily food ration, i.e. by overfeeding, the organism of the animal is overloaded. When switching from breast milk (approximately from the third or fourth week of the dog’s age), give the puppy small portions of dry dog food at first and let it continue sucking. Depending on the puppy’s reaction to the new diet and its stool consistency, continue and increase the amount to the recommended ration.


Pieces of dry dog food for small dog breeds and particularly for puppies of miniature breeds are small. The jaws of these doggies are not strong enough to be able to process large pieces of dry dog food. In a perfect situation, serve the food moistened with water.


Care about quality – Prevention by nutrition


The food you feed your puppy with until it is one year old is of utmost importance for the quality of the puppy's adult life. We generally recommend giving priority to hypoallergenic and holistic dog food. The physical development of miniature dogs is much faster than that of dogs of medium and large breeds. These little furry friends also love to run. Therefore, they need such dog food that will give them enough energy and the necessary nutrition for their joints at the same time.


The young organism of mini puppies needs a balanced ratio between basic nutrients and vitamins, and high protein and mineral intake. The food for puppies of miniature breeds should therefore contain not only an increased level of omega-3 fatty acids which contribute to the proper development of the brain but also to the development of eyes and better overall vision in adulthood. Moreover, it is highly digestible and delivers enough daily nutrition at the same time. To support healthy growth and muscle firmness, also an increased level of proteins is needed. For healthy teeth and bones, the dog food should also contain a higher ratio of minerals including calcium. For healthy skin and nice hair, also essential fatty acids are important.

Also give proper care and nourishment to bitches


You’re not sure where can your puppy switch to food for adult dogs? For mini dogs, the dog is considered to be a puppy until it is one year old. The development of each dog is very individual; therefore, it is better to consult your vet or a nutrition consultant at least via phone if you are not sure (may it be because of overweight or underweight). For miniature dog breeds in general, you can start switching from puppy food to adult dog food when the dog is twelve months old.

For the start, it is recommended to give the puppy the same food as its mother (a breast-feeding bitch) used to get. If you would like to switch for another brand of the dog food, start with mixing food from both brands and gradually replace it. For a small dog to grow properly, it is important to also feed well the bitch (both during her pregnancy and while breastfeeding and weaning). Therefore when you get a new dog, it is good to ask its owner what food he/she gives to his/her dogs.


Do you have a small dog at home? What is your experience with miniature dog breeds’ and also little puppies’ nutrition?


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