3 reasons why (not) to cut your dog during summer

Living with dogs is such a natural thing for us dog lovers that we sometimes treat them more like people. We love them, we nurture them but we may sometimes care a bit too much and unintentionally harm our furry friends. Such cases include wrong fur care, mainly for long haired breeds. Even the furriest dog can feel better in hot weather than if we cut its hair short. Thermoregulation in dogs is different from than in people. And that is not the only reason why we shouldn’t cut the hair of some dog breeds during summer.

Living with dogs is such a natural thing for us dog lovers that we sometimes treat them more like people. We love them, we nurture them but we may sometimes care a bit too much and unintentionally harm our furry friends. Such cases include wrong fur care, mainly for long haired breeds. Even the furriest dog can feel better in hot weather than if we cut its hair short. Thermoregulation in dogs is different from than in people. And that is not the only reason why we shouldn’t cut the hair of some dog breeds during summer.

Preserving natural thermoregulation

Opposed to people, dogs have sweat glands only between fingers on their paws. They don’t have any on the rest of their body. They cool down mainly by breathing with an open mouth. But fur has an important role in thermoregulation, mainly at breeds with double coats. The upper layer is the so-called guard fur. It protects them against sun heat, warm (and cold during winter), wind and other natural effects and dirt. The bottom layer is called the undercoat and its main function is insulation. The bottom layer moults before summer for most breeds with double coats. And this naturally helps your furry friend from overheating. Without the undercoat, fresh air can freely circulate through guard fur and cool down the animal.

Preserving quality fur

By gradual breeding, various types of fur developed at individual breeds. Smooth or silky fur (Yorkshire terriers have it) is not the undercoat. Their fur behaves as hair in some aspects and regularly grows. If you would like to cut it for summer, nothing happens. But if you cut fur of a dog breed with undercoat (no matter if long haired, short haired or wire haired dogs), you can distort its structure. After shaving, the first to grow is the undercoat. The guard fur grows slower and it gradually starts to mingle with the undercoat. In summer, a dog with newly growing fur like this is in the risk of overheating because the undercoat prevents cooling down. The hair of guard fur gradually grows back in a few weeks, but it losts its quality.

Protection against sun, dirt and other things

Last but not least, the fur protects the skin of your dog against UV radiation. If you cut it, there is a risk your dog could get sunburnt. Moreover, the fur after shaving starts to behave as a “sponge”. As it grows, it absorbs more dirt and moisture from the surrounding environment.

If you hesitate because you already have an older dog that doesn’t handle temperature variations well and the thermoregulation is not what it used to be or you aren’t sure if it doesn’t have the type of fur which shouldn’t be cut, consult your vet. But you won’t do anything wrong if you take a comb at first and properly comb your dog’s fur at first before using a cutting machine or scissors. If you wish to help your dog during summer, design a “summer” bed in a colder part of your apartment or house. For example, our furry friend can go to bed to bathroom. Cooling beds for dogs can also be a popular alternative for summer months.


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