Myths and facts about dogs

Does a bitch have to have puppies before she is neutered? Does a dry or warm nose mean the dog is sick? In the dog world, some people still believe the myths that are going around about our four-legged friends. Let's take a look at the most common myths and set them straight.  

I have some friends with dogs who still believe some of the dog myths, so I decided to write down the most common myths and set them straight.

1. A dry or warm nose means the dog is sick

This is probably the biggest myth about dog health that many people still believe. This myth most likely originated from canine distemper. This is a disease that affects dogs, and one of the symptoms of the advanced disease is hyperkeratosis - hardening of the nose and footpads, making these parts of the body hard and dry. When canine distemper was relatively widespread, people believed that a cold and damp nose was a sign of good dog health. Today, there are very few cases of canine distempter thanks to vaccines.

The fact is, however, that the temperature and moistness of the nose are highly dependent on the environment the dog is in. My dog, for example, who is lying next to me, has a dry nose, and it's definitely not cold. And it's no wonder: we're on the couch next to a hot heater. Dog's may also have a dry or warm nose after they wake up. You should only worry when their nose is dry and cracked for a long time. In this case it could signal health issues.

2. Dogs see in black and white

This is also not true. This myth probably originated at a time when scientists still did not fully understand dogs' (or human) eyes.  It is true, however, that dog's see a different spectrum of colors than we do. They also only have two cone cells, which is one less than we have, but they can see outlines much better than we can.

3. Dogs eat grass to throw up

This myth originated from the poor judgment of dog owners themselves. They noticed that their dogs often vomit after eating grass, and they assumed that it is the dog's intention if they eat something bad or if their stomach hurts.

Although this can really be one of the reasons for them eating grass, it is usually just to add something new to their diet, for fun or a compulsion. Another reason is that the dog has an unbalanced diet, or it is using grass to balance the microflora of its stomach. Vomiting is the result of grazing, not the reason for it.

4. When dogs wag their tail, it means they're happy

Of course, dogs do wag their tail when they're happy, but this is not the only reason. Their tail is a means of communication that they use to express a whole range of emotions. Besides happiness, these emotions include excitement, nervousness, irritation, fear or uncertainty. It depends on how high the dog carries its tail, how fast it wags it, or which side it wags it to more. If you want to find out what mood your dog is in, you need to watch its overall body language.

5. Bitches should have puppies before being neutered

Unfortunately, castration is still a rather controversial and debated topic, and this myth serves as an argument for its opponents. But this is a very dangerous myth. Pregnancy and especially giving birth can be a huge risk for female dogs. There is no health reason to breed bitches outside of breeding kennels, and timely castration is recommended to control the already large population of unwanted dogs, to eliminate hereditary defects and disease, and to prevent some fatal diseases. There is no proof that breeding has any health or other benefits for bitches.


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