5 basic tips for camping with a dog

Holiday time is approaching fast and maybe you’re considering where to go with your four-legged friend. If you’d like to go camping, there are certainly many things you should consider. You have to plan and pack not only for yourself, but also for your dog. But you should definitely not be scared of it and these few tips might also help you, so that both you and your dog can enjoy the holiday.

Holiday time is approaching fast and maybe you’re considering where to go with your four-legged friend. If you’d like to go camping, there are certainly many things you should consider. You have to plan and pack not only for yourself, but also for your dog. But you should definitely not be scared of it and these few tips might also help you, so that both you and your dog can enjoy the holiday.

1. Prepare an itinerary

Firstly, make sure, that dogs are allowed at the place where you want to camp. This is an essential detail that might be easily forgotten. You will surely find this information on the internet website of the camp, or call them and ask about the camping policy of the given place. Further, find out, under what conditions can the dog move around the camp. Whether there are any fees for his stay, whether he can move around freely or just on a leash and the like. Also plan the individual trips. Take into account how many kilometres your dog is capable of walking or whether there are enough shady places to have a rest along the way.

2. Visit your veterinary

Before you set out on a journey, make sure, that your dog has valid vaccination and that it’s in a good health condition, or in case of a need, that you have enough of its medicine for the whole stay in nature. Also don’t forget an antiparasiticide and still check the dog every day if he didn’t catch a tick. No antiparasiticide works hundred percent, so be prepared that you might have to remove a tick from his fur and pack the necessary tools with you. You should also have a first-aid kit in your backpack on the way. You can learn about how it should look like here.

3. Pack the necessities

Don’t forget that you have to pack all the necessary things even for your furry friend. It’s probably unnecessary to mention the collar, the leash and the identification tag. The dog should always have your phone number on them while they’re outside. On a stamp sewn onto the collar or in placed in any visible manner. Also pack enough food for him along with some drinking water. Naturally, bowls are a must as well. A tying stake might get handy as well and make sure that the dog will always be able to lie down on a dry place. Always consider what the dog would need according to where you’re going and what you’re planning. It will surely differ, when you’re planning to walk longer treks or to spend the whole day at a lake.

4. Obey the rules

Every camp that you visit will have some set rules. As we’ve mentioned earlier, the usual rule is to keep the dog tied within the area of the camp. Therefore, if your dog isn’t used to a leash, train them in walking on a leash already before you leave. Wild animals might be moving around the camp, so watch out for the dog not to run after them. This could end in an injury or your dog could get lost.

Most camps also have quiet hours. Make sure that your dog is able to abide by them and that they won’t bark at night, not even when a strange camper or a wild animal walks past.

Don’t forget to follow the signs and posts in the camp and in its surroundings that could restrict the movement of dogs. To some beaches, piers, cycling routes and the like, dogs might be forbidden to enter.

Even though you’re in nature, clean up after your dog in the area of the camp!

5. Test camping

If you’re not sure how your dog would manage sleeping outside, spend a test night camping. Build the tent in the garden or, if possible, in the forest or on a meadow behind your cottage, and watch, how your dog reacts to it. Whether they’re afraid of strange sounds, have the tendency to run after wild animals, bark and the like. Such “test ride” will show you, what you should be working on for you to enjoy your holiday in nature. It may also help if you find out all the things your dog will need with him for a holiday or what might come in handy.

As you see, it’s enough to be prepared a bit and you’ll be able to enjoy nature together and with no stress. It’s no science. What is your experience with camping? We enjoy it, even though I have a bit of a couch potato at home.

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