Tips for Untraditional Gifts for Dogs

Christmas is coming and it’s the time we are thinking of how we can please our loved ones. Besides family and friends, we should also not forget about our loyal companions that have stood by our side through our highs and lows during the whole year. We are talking about our pets of course and in this article, we will focus on our dogs. What can you make them happy with this year? We’ll be sharing some tips for typical as well as more original gifts that will definitely please your furry friends.

Treats are a classic that cannot be disappointing

Food belongs to the most traditional as well as appreciated gifts. There are several options of what to give to your four-legged friends. You can either focus on high-quality dry food with suitable contents and all the important nutrients, vitamins and minerals, or on cans. These should mainly contain a lot of meat and they should have (similarly to dry food) all the necessary nutrients. For pure joy, you can get some delicious snacks. There are pill pockets, treats in a granular form with useful functional components such as lactobacilli, high-quality salami or dried meat. However, pick only the food made for dogs!


With regard to supplements, we shouldn’t forget about the health of our dogs. Probiotics are very helpful in this respect as they can promote microflora in the intestines, the immune system as well as recovery. It’s important to give our dogs probiotics for prevention not only after some exertion or disease, as they can protect their health which is very useful now when the weather is not nice and it’s cold.


Playful and educative toys

Another quite traditional gift for a four-legged furry friend is a toy. And there are plenty of options here, too. You can get them some timeless classics, such as balls, gum rings or squeaky things and your dogs will be able to play with them for a very long time. These toys are also great for throwing and playing fetch. Stuffed toys are perfect, too. They make perfect companions for dogs. Dogs often take them wherever they go and to their beds, too.


However, if you want to get your dog something that isn’t only meant for playing, you can focus on interactive tools that develop certain abilities and skills. Various jigsaws are a good example. The dog has to move parts of them with its nose to the right place. It can get treats or other snacks which can be hidden under each part as a reward. A great advantage of these interactive tools is that they (besides developing the pet’s skills) also help to create the bond between the dog and its owner.


A bed as a place for resting

Furry friends, and this time also their owners, will be very happy about a new bed. Nowadays, you can pick from a very wide variety of things – so you don’t only have to pick the perfect and the most comfortable bed for your dog but also a design you like and that fits well in your style. You can get a classic bed in the form of a box – so some bed that also has side parts besides the soft middle part and the dog can lay its head on these side parts. However, you can also pick a round shape without the side parts. Another type is a bed with a cover which provides plenty of space for uninterrupted resting.


Dogs like accessories, too

You can also please your dog with some necessary accessories, such a soft blanket for cuddling they can have in their bed or on a sofa when they want to cuddle with you. A great thing is a small cuddling bag that especially smaller breeds will love. They can get in and enjoy its warmth and comfort or you can use it as “a glove” and caress your pet with it.


Gifts for the dog as well as its owner

Christmas is the perfect opportunity for you to get some practical things that will help you take care of your dog(s). For example, you may get a new leash which will make your walks even more enjoyable or some clothes for your dog that will protect it from winter and rain. It doesn’t matter if you decide to make your dog happy with a surprise – it’s a sure thing that it will appreciate the time spent with you the most. May it be outside with fresh air on walks or on your warm sofa.

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