Every one of us has for sure encountered diarrhoea in our fuzzy friend. Usually, there’s nothing to fuss about, the body reacts to food that it isn’t capable to digest or that didn’t do it good. However, it is good to know, when we are capable of resolving the state of the dog on our own and when it is better to seek help from a veterinarian, since it may concern even a life-threatening disease.
One rascal from my pack is a literal disaster, he can devour almost anything. A moment of absent-mindedness is enough, leave something at a wrong place and a calamity is born. I can’t even count, how many creams he has polished off with appetite, how many snacks he has stolen or how many remote controls, telephones or cables he has chewed up. Before I’ve learnt to tidy everything up to inaccessible places, from time to time, we would fight with diarrhoea. That’s why I rather looked up, how best to treat diarrhoea in a dog and when should I rather be going to a vet.
Most of the time, it is a reaction of the body to food that the digestion couldn’t handle. It can be caused also by low-grade granules, or when you abruptly transfer to different food. Some dogs can have an allergy to a component stated in the granules, most often, it’s grain. If the dog isn’t tired, weary and doesn’t look like he was feeling sick in general, most probably, it is only a dietary mistake. He may have also swallowed something outside at a walk. Diarrhoea may be caused even by some types of fruit and vegetables or dairy products.
In such case, it is usually enough not to feed the dog for a day. If their state doesn’t get better during this period of time, then you can make them rice with chicken and feed it to them in small doses. However, for the whole time, you should be watching, whether they are drinking sufficiently. Diarrhoea drains a great amount of water from the body and dehydration can occur. It is a good idea to add probiotics along with the water, since they will help to renew the right microflora in the intestine. In the case of a strong diarrhoea, you can help the dog by administration of a small amount of classical black coal. On acute and chronic diarrhoeas, also the natural product Humican has excellent effects.
Diarrhoea can be caused also by inner parasites. The most usual ones are roundworms. That’s why we should take care to deworm the dog regularly, at least twice a year.
If despite of regular deworming and right diet, the dog still suffers from repeated diarrhoea or the diarrhoea lasts for several days, it is better to take them to the vet. I personally go to the veterinarian when the diarrhoea in the dog lasts even for a second day in a row and their state is not improving in any way. Up to now, it luckily hasn’t been necessary, but better than to neglect something. Since diarrhoea may be a symptom of life-threatening diseases such as parvovirus infection. Chronic diarrhoeas may be a symptom of a disease of the pancreas or tumoral disease of one of the parts of the digestive tract. It can also be a result of stress.
You should visit a veterinarian immediately, if your dog has diarrhoea that contains blood, greater amount of phlegm, if their abdomen is inflated, their gums and other mucous membranes are pale.
Does your dog suffer from diarrhoea often? Have you got any advice on how to deal with this situation or an interesting story?
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