They don’t have nine lives, but cats sure do know how to fall

Many times, I was left standing with my mouth open when I was watching the fall maneuvres of my cat partner. I was curious and started to look for more information about where the cat ability to always fall onto all fours come from along with their ability to be…how to put it…double-jointed.

They say about cats, that they have nine lives. Of course, that this isn’t true, but with their agility, flexibility and soft falls  they really seem to be fearless. The paradox is, that for cats, a fall from a smaller height is more dangerous than falling from several meters. At the speed of a “low fall” it doesn’t have enough time to use their skill.

While in a longer fall from a greater (for us more terrifying) height, the cat manages to turn in the air quickly, so that they fall on the feet, in case of a fast coast, they might not make it, so they are in threat of a head or spine injury, or injury to the rest of the body. Take care, since a fall from a really great height is naturally dangerous for the cat’s health and life as well.

When you sometimes overhear or read stories about falls from several dozens of floors, which some of the cats have allegedly survived, do take them with a grain of salt. From so many meters, a fall is usually fatal even for a cat, if it isn’t slowed down by the crown of the tree, brush or another, otherwise soft surface. if the cats survives a dangerous fall from extreme heights by a miracle, it is threatened by permanent health effects.

Let us take a look on the agility of a cat’s fall in slow motion. During rotation in course of a fall, cats use the air resistance and using their tail, they strive to coordinate to the place of the impact. They also widen their paws. so as to fall ton the largest surface possible. The soft fall is also greatly contributed by flexibility of their spine and springing of their joints.

Take a look at the video.

It is essential to know, that cat command the skill of a safe fall only as adults. Small kittens have to be taken care of in this respect, despite their tendency to boldly risk all sorts of things. They often overestimate their powers, balance on a hot window sill, climb the trees… Cats just like living on the edge and they are not afraid of heights much. Have you got a cat stuntman at home? Share with us, what have you experienced with your cat.

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