How to Help a Dog with Arthritis

Arthritis ranks among the most frequent diseases of the joints in dogs. It is accompanied by pain and limitations for physical activity. And because it cannot be cured I’ll give you some tips how to make the life of your buddy with arthritis easier.

Arthritis ranks among the most frequent diseases of the joints in dogs. It is accompanied by pain and limitations for physical activity. And because it cannot be cured I’ll give you some tips how to make the life of your buddy with arthritis easier.

Mostly older dogs suffer from arthritis but it can also affect young dogs. It is an inflammation or swelling of the joints and it can have several causes. Among other things, it may be caused by an abnormal development of a bone or a joint, or it may be the consequence of an infection or an injury. It often occurs in larger dogs and those who are overweight because of the greater pressure on joints.

A dog with arthritis is limited in its physical activities. Joint stiffness is moreover accompanied by  the pain because of which the dog may reject certain forms of movement as walking up the stairs or jumping.

For the treatment of arthritis, it is necessary to visit a vet and administer some drugs. But there are some things you can do yourself and your dog will get a relief.

Get him some soft, ideally orthopaedic bed

It will be more comfortable and it will provide your dog a relief from pain that could be caused by lying on a hard surface.

Anti-slip floors will considerably help

It can be extremely demanding and painful for a dog with arthritis to move on the tiles or other slippery surfaces. Therefore, it may be avoiding such movement. By getting a runner, a mat and the like, you eliminate the risk of an injury caused by slipping or falling.

Administer articular nutrition

You can find a wide range of types over-the-counter articular nutrition on the Czech market. They provide the dog’s body the substances needed for nutrition and regeneration of cartilage. Consult your vet before you buy drugs which are anti-inflammatory and function as painkillers.

Let the dog rest

As we have already said, this disease is accompanied by pain and limitations in movement. Let the dog rest. You have to keep an eye on hip especially when children or other animals are around. Some dogs may be aggressive due to pain. Others will want to play even when it’s painful and excessive physical activity then causes larger swelling and greater pain in joints.

Monitor the weight of your dog

In the case of obesity, reduce its  weight. That will provide relief for overloaded joints.

Adjust the daily programme

Replace long walks with more frequent short walks. Appropriate regular exercise can do your dog good. You can consult your vet about the appropriate extent and type of movement.

Massage your dog

You can let your dog relax thanks to massaging. It can improve flexibility, blood circulation and general condition of the dog.

Remember that prevention is always better than cure. Do not overload the dog and keep it on a healthy weight.

Do you have any additional tips how to help a dog with arthritis to get relief? Feel free to send us the photo of your tricks!

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