How to teach a dog to swim

Of course that we won’t talk about how to teach a dog the swimming technique. We want to talk about how to teach the dog to get used to water and how to make swimming a positive experience for it. Since not every one of them trusts water and some are even afraid of it. Do you know how to overcome fear of water?

My dog doesn’t dig water that much. To be more specific, he used to be terrified of it. Since its first swimming experience was jumping from a slope that was a meter tall into a pond, thinking that it was a meadow (the surface was so overgrown with weed that it really looked like that). We’ve been making progress, he even went to water on his own last year (probably to drown me since he swam all the way up to me and tried to get onto my head, but this counts as well :-)), nevertheless, he still isn’t friends with water, so my work is not over yet.

Some dogs have no issues with water and they don’t even have to learn anything. They’re simply at home in it. Some get in it only if they must and some wouldn’t go even if it was a matter of life and death. Of course, that not every dog has to like swimming, the same goes for fetching a ball. But their dislike of swimming might stem also from the mentioned distrust or bad experience. And for such cases, I’ve prepared a couple of tips for you how to go about it so that swimming was a joyful experience for your dog.

Don’t force the dog into water

Entering water should always be voluntary. Never throw or pull the dog into it. This could precisely be the cause of a bad experience, because of which he will be afraid of it. Be patient and make peace with the fact, that at first, the dog won’t even get in. And maybe not even the second or the third time.

Proceed gradually

First, introduce the dog to water in a children’s pool or somewhere in shallow water, for instance. When you move to a larger body of water, to a lake or a pond, for example, pick such place where there's gradual access both to water and out of it. Avoid rivers for the time being, where the dog might not be able to manage a stronger current. Not everyone is such a proficient swimmer and you don’t know yet, how your dog is like.


Reward every step, whether with a treat, praise or with a caress. And on the contrary, if the dog backs away from water, don’t feel sorry for it. This way, you will only confirm, that it’s afraid for a reason. Just accept its decision and don’t worry about it anymore.


You can also try luring the dog into water by fetching or with its favourite toy. At first, throw fetch onto the bank or to shallow water and gradually, start throwing it to deeper water. For some, even the “path of sweets” from shallow water to depth proved well.

Other dogs might help

Another dog that likes water and isn’t afraid of it can help you with the teaching. When your dog sees how other dogs frolic in water and how they’re enjoying it, it can push it forwards.

How’s your dog? Is it one of those water frolickers who could jump into water all day or have you got a water enemy at home just like I do? And have you got any other advice how to establish a positive relation of the dog towards water?

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