What effect does the magnetic field have on your dog?

Did you know that our senses include the perception of the magnetic field? While we have almost lost this ability already, dogs still have it and use it every day. Do you know for what?

Maybe you have noticed that your dog partner sometimes takes quite a while before he finds the right spot to do his needs. And that's just the effect of a magnetic field. Since dogs take up such a position doing so, that their body is directed into a certain direction towards the Earth’s magnetic field.

Sounds unbelievable, right? However, a recent Czech-German scientific study proved, that dogs are sensitive to small changes in the Earth's magnetic field, which in turn affects the way they “go to the toilet”. A team of scientists found out after several years of monitoring of dogs, that if the magnetic field is calm, the dogs prefer to align their body on the axis from the North to the South when doing their needs. However, if the magnetic field becomes unstable, dogs have no directional preference.

Scientists from the Czech Agricultural University and the German University of Duisburg-Essen wrote in the context of publication in the scientific journal Frontiers in Zoology online, that measuring of  the direction of the axis of the body was carried out in 70 dogs of 37 breeds during defecation (1 893 observations) and urination (5 582 observations) over a two-year period. Collected data was sorted according to geomagnetic conditions in the individual periods of data collection. Directional preferences of the dogs in various conditions of the magnetic field were then analysed and tested using a circular statistics.

Based on this research, the scientists came to the conclusion that the behaviour of dogs is predictable based on fluctuations in the magnetic field. However, they are not sure why dogs are adapting to it while carrying out their needs. Whether they do it consciously (i.e. if they see or feel the direction of the compass in any way) or subconsciously (whether the direction is controlled on an autonomic level - they only feel better or worse when facing a certain way). The analysis of the collected data only shows that dogs prefer the North-South direction and at the same time they avoid the East-West direction.

This magnetic positioning has been observed also in other mammals besides dogs, for example, in cattle or deer. Foxes plan the hunting trajectory precisely based on the magnetic field. In turn, wolves have extremely large territories. This suggests that they have excellent orientation skills, in which the scientists also see also a link with the perception of the magnetic field.

In any case, based on this discovery, the scientists established, that new horizons have opened up in magneto-biological research.

What do you think about it? Have you noticed that your dog always turns in the same direction when doing his needs? Try to notice it and share your experience!


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