6 great books about cats you shouldn’t miss

We, as cat lovers, can’t get enough of cats and that’s why we also like to read books about them. Look at some of them you shouldn’t really miss.

We, as cat lovers, can’t get enough of cats and that’s why we also like to read books about them. Look at some of them you shouldn’t really miss.


I love books only a bit less than my pets, so I cannot miss an opportunity to read a piece where an animal is the main character. Let me introduce you to a few of my favourite books in which you encounter a cat character.


František Pon and his series


This is definitely my favourite. A married couple using a pseudonym František Pon writes about cats and living with them. Besides that, they also paint together and in this creative work, they also opt to devote large space to cats. In their books such as Cats Don’t Pay Rent or Cats Know Better which they also illustrate themselves, the married couple describes their life and experience with their four cats. They introduce you to the characters of individual cats and joys and sorrows of everyday life with them. I can tell I have read all of their books straight through, they are somehow humanly, faithfully and well readably written, with kind humour. It is well depicted in their description of feline love: “Cats probably can’t comprehend the category of love that is natural to us. Feline love, if that’s what we’re going to call it, is a bit of contact, half-closed eyes, pulsating paws, claws which slide rhythmically in and out… but it’s mostly the patient indifference with which they spend their life with us.” Well, I guess I’ll have to reread one of their books again :).


Cat stories by Eva Beranová


Her book The Cat Tales is definitely worth mentioning. These tall tales and stories about cat fairies, wild catwomen, good spirit Mňoukal and other pieces will definitely be interesting not only for children but for every cat lover. The whole book is written in this tone: “Do we still have the ability to perceive things and phenomena which remain hidden at a glimpse? Do we have time and energy to stop, to break free from everything and let the spirit of the place where we are now have an impact on us?” Moreover, both author and the illustrator of the book gave up their fees in favour of the First Society for the Cat Rights. So, by buying this book, you don’t only get a fine read but you also contribute to homeless cats.

Lilian Jackson Braun and his series The Cat Who...

Who likes detective stories will also like this series of books in which Siamese tomcat Koko helps the investigation. But getting these books will not be easy, Czech versions were quickly sold out which certainly proves their quality.


James Joyce – The Cats of Copenhagen


This is an excellent short piece, originally written by its author in a letter sent to his grandson as well as his second piece about cats – The Cat and the Devil. These are the only two pieces written for children by this author who is famous worldwide. You will read this whole book in a few minutes but that does not impair its quality at all. If you have children, you will definitely enjoy reading this book together and illustrations on every page will make it even more enjoyable: “Well, it won’t be possible: Alas, I cannot send you a Copenhagen cat because there are no cats in Copenhagen. Lots and lots of fish and bicycles, yes, but no cats.”

Cleveland Amory – Cat Who Came for Christmas

I can compare this book to František Pon’s books with its style. The author tells us about his snow-white tomcat he brought home at Christmas and about their life together. You can read about Amory’s work in organizations for the animal protection in it. Similarly to the Czech married couple, he uses a distinguishing humour in his writing. You will certainly like the story of how, despite initial issues, they became inseparable with his cat, and you may recognize yourselves in some situations as well.


Mikeš by Josef Lada


I probably don’t have to introduce Mikeš a lot, all of us probably know him from our childhoods. But that doesn’t mean it’s a book only for children. Try to take this book once again and get involved in all the adventures about a black tomcat and his friend Pepík.

As a bonus, I also have to add one more book. A cat is a main character in it but otherwise this story is not much about the species. But it is nice reading. In The Dalai Lama’s Cat by David Michie, a tomcat who was taken care of by the Dalai Lama himself describes his life in a monastery. But it is more about finding love and happiness than about cats.

And what is your favourite cat book? I will be happy for each tip for a piece which is still missing in my bookshelf :)


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