
Last articles in this category

Christmas in dog shelters

Christmas is a time of love, family, and last but not least, generosity and good deeds. However, not everyone can be in the warmth of a home on Christmas, and this is also true for our four-legged companions. How can we help them during this time and...

What to give your pets for Christmas

Christmas is around the corner and it's time to buy the last gifts and start wrapping them. Have you forgotten about your four-legged friends in the hustle and bustle? If you have, there's still time to fix it. If you don't want to have to...

Kukur Tihar: Nepali dog celebrations

The second day of Hindi festival called Tihar is devoted to dogs. Their loyalty and devotion is celebrated, they are honoured as companions, guardians and friends. A holiday which is full of lights and colours doesn’t forget about stray dogs and it is...