What positive effect do pets have on children?

When I was a child, our dog changed my life. He taught me lifetime love for living beings but also responsibility, patience and caring for others. Scientist has found out those are not the only benefits the life with an animal has for children. According to the findings of numerous studies, a pet also positively influences the whole development of a child itself. It can teach him/her to handle difficult and stress situations which would be otherwise more difficult to overcome. An example is a lack of concentration on a specific activity. The presence of a dog by my side made me feel safe and secure, i.e. it gave me certain peace of mind. A kid needs a companion and a pet is perfect for that.

When I was a child, our dog changed my life. He taught me lifetime love for living beings but also responsibility, patience and caring for others. Scientist has found out those are not the only benefits the life with an animal has for children. According to the findings of numerous studies, a pet also positively influences the whole development of a child itself. It can teach him/her to handle difficult and stress situations which would be otherwise more difficult to overcome. An example is a lack of concentration on a specific activity. The presence of a dog by my side made me feel safe and secure, i.e. it gave me certain peace of mind. A kid needs a companion and a pet is perfect for that.

Moreover, there is another important aspect. Kids have fantasy they continuously develop in creativity. A little living being can strengthen this. Kids are enthusiastic about colours, shapes, sounds and movements. They can fall for the beauty of nature. It inspires them and develops their perceptiveness. I remember being amazed by watching our first puppy to grow. I also observed two babies of Djungarian hamsters with the same fascination a few years later. And a little kitten of British shorthair another few years later. Since then, several generations of dogs, cats and rodents belonged to our family. Each of them influenced me. Since I learned to read, I wanted to learn more about each species and breeds from books. Mainly because of our dog, I also had enough exercise on fresh air. I dreamt about having a little zoo one day and becoming a vet.

Therefore, I am one of those who believe that mutual interaction between a child and an animal companion has positive influence on the development of socio-emotional and cognitive abilities. Children growing up with a dog are also much more self-sufficient and self-confident. They are also said to be less moody and suffer from learning disorders less often. It has been proven that the presence of a dog helps children to focus on reading more and develop their literacy (you can read more on this topic in a separate article). A recently published study by researchers form research facility RAND confirms that and summarizes other positive effects besides benefits to mental health and development such as stronger immunity or lower risk of allergies at children who grow up with a pet.

Psychologist Elizabeth Anderson who wrote “The Powerful Bond Between People and Pets” says that the result of the whole alchemy between pets and children is magic with healing power. That’s why pets are more and more used in various therapeutic methods aimed not only at children but also adults. It’s no surprise. Noone forgets the situation when he/she was sad as a kid and needed a hug. When my pet was around and I could hug him, all the pain left. And it works well even today :).

And what is your first experience with pets? Did you have them in your childhood or did you get a pet as an adult?


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