The most awesome cat heroes

Cats can also be heroes and put their lives at risk to save someone from risky or life-threatening situations. The first cat hero I will introduce you to is Scarlett. She showed her heroism in the most natural form – she saved her kittens. She took them out of a burning building, regardless of her own danger and injuries she suffered while doing that. Despite tremendous heat, she was going back to the flames until she took out her last offspring. Firefighters said she touched the nose of each of them to make sure they are alive and all right and then she immediately collapsed from pain and exhaustion. Scarlett managed to get well and fully recover from her injuries so she could be able to take care of her kittens

Cats can also be heroes and put their lives at risk to save someone from risky or life-threatening situations. The first cat hero I will introduce you to is Scarlett. She showed her heroism in the most natural form – she saved her kittens. She took them out of a burning building, regardless of her own danger and injuries she suffered while doing that. Despite tremendous heat, she was going back to the flames until she took out her last offspring. Firefighters said she touched the nose of each of them to make sure they are alive and all right and then she immediately collapsed from pain and exhaustion. Scarlett managed to get well and fully recover from her injuries so she could be able to take care of her kittens.


Another cat hero is Sammy who saved his dog companion Izzy. This small terrier was attacked by a bigger and far stronger dog. Sammy recognized he is not able to get away from his grip and decided to help him. He hassled the attacker and tried to get his attention. He managed to do that and when the dog started chasing Sammy, he successfully escaped him and climbed the first tree. By this, he bought Izzy some time to get to safety and he probably saved his life. His injuries were very serious and massive, his stomach was punctured and he had a muscle trauma.

You may know our next hero. The video he is in went viral. A four-year-old boy was riding a bike in front of his house when a neighbour’s dog attacked him and pulled him down from the bike. The cat belonging to the boy’s family, Tara, saw that and immediately ran to help the boy. She pushed away the dog by her own body. His mother then came. But unless Tara interfered, he could have much more serious injuries that wouldn’t be solved by ten stitches. According to the family, Tara was a homeless cat they adopted six years ago. She was very peaceful and calm by her nature but she was still able to react so promptly.

Also tomcat Homer is a real hero and inspiration for others. His story started in the streets of Miami where he was wandering – bony and with a horrible eye infection. A nice person took him to a vet where his eyes had to be taken out. Fortunately, he managed to find a good home and his rescuer who loved him wholeheartedly. She decided to name him after the famous Greek poet who was also blind.

Once at night, Homer’s owner was awakened by a horrible wailing noise. She got up and saw how Homer is growling at the intruder. The cat jumped on him and didn’t want to stop biting and scratching him until the attacker ran away. And by this, Homer saved his owner the same way she did save him before. Homer’s story inspired many people to give blind kittens a chance. Thanks to this, the number of their adoptions rose.


Also Charley saved her owner. Fourty-seven-years-old Susan suffered from diabetes and once at night collapsed in her bathroom as a consequence of a hypoglycaemic attack. She sank to the ground when everyone was sleeping. Therefore, noone could hear her, but Charley. The cat knew something’s wrong so she ran to the bedroom and licked and touched the face of Kevin, Susan’s husband, until she woke him up. Then she took him directly to the bathroom. Right in time to inject her insulin and save her life.

Also Amy owes a cat for her rescue. She used to go play with cats to Humane Society shelter. During one usual visit, she unexpectedly adopted two cats. That was her lucky day because one of the cats – Pudink – saved her life the same day. Amy got a diabetic coma when sleeping. Pudink realized something’s going on and started jumping on her chest up and down until he wake her up. Even though he successfully managed to do that, she was too weak to call for help to her son who was sleeping in the adjacent room. The cat went to his room and jumped on him to wake him up. The son was therefore able to provide his mum medical assistance she needed. Amy realized the potential Pudink has and registered him as a therapeutic animal.

The last hero for today is Pwditat. This abandoned cat was taken in by a family with dog Terfel who got blind some time before that. He had troubles adjusting to this new situation, continuously bumped into walls and furniture and started to be afraid of the house and stopped moving. This changed when Pwditat came. The cat found a great way to reward the family for their home and became Terfel’s guide. She navigated him in the house and garden and they soon became best friends and inseparable companions.


Do you also have a cat hero at home or at least know one? Share their stories with us!


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