A naked rodent as an ideal pet for allergy sufferers

People suffering from allergies don't have to give up pets, they just need to know how to choose the right pet. For example, a naked rodent can be a good choice if you don't have time for a cat or a dog.  

Although many people think allergies are caused by animal hair, it is not so, but it is related to their hair. Animal hair catches allergens and carries them into their surroundings. People are most commonly allergic to animal saliva, flakes of skin, urine and mites that live in fur. They are also allergic to allergens that get caught in the animal's coat (such as pollen or dust). Therefore, although hair is not directly responsible for the allergic reaction, it is largely responsible.

A naked animal, such as a rodent, can be a good solution for allergy sufferers. However, it is good to test if the pet we are planning to buy causes a reaction. You can visit a kennel, which you would have to do anyway to buy an animal if you want a healthy animal without the risk of genetic burden.

A Skinny Pig is a good option; it was created in Canadian laboratories, originally as a test animal for dermatology research. Their skin is warm and soft to touch, and they can come in just one color or tricolor. Caring for them does not differ significantly from normal guinea pigs, you just need to pay more attention to the cold and draft. However, they are not suitable for those who with allergies to dandruff, sweat or hay, which is an essential component of their diet.

Another naked rodent is the Nunu nude mouse. However, these are not recommended as a pet and they are inappropriate for breeding, as these mice are genetically predisposed to have almost no immune system (they have no thymus). Holding them or cuddling them would expose them to great health risks.

Nude rats have the same problem (Rowen nude rat). They also have an undeveloped thymus, and they have a defective immune system. They are bred under strict conditions, and just like the nude mice, they are inappropriate for hobby breeding. However, these are only homozygotes (individuals who have both alleles in the gene pair mutated, i.e. nu/nu). In contrast to heterozygous mice (only one allele in the gene pair mutated) that also have impaired immune systems, heterozygous rats are healthy, but they have a glossy, short coat.

There are also Sphynx rats. These rats are either completely hairless, or they have clusters of hair on their head. They're not very popular in Europe, but they can still be found in our country. They are also reported to have reduced immunity. Additionally, the females usually have a problem rearing their young, so another furry female is necessary.

Let's talk about how to prevent rodent allergies, especially in children. These pets should be kept in well-ventilated rooms, and should ideally not be placed in children's rooms; this would expose your child to high doses of allergens. If your child is prone to allergies, reactions may appear very soon.

As we mentioned before, urine is often responsible for reactions; it gets into the air after it dries and coats dust particles. It is therefore important to thoroughly clean the rodent cage, and an effective air purifier will help eliminate these allergens. Of course, allergens are also spread by touch. A special product for removing allergens from hair (Petal Cleanse) can be helpful.

Do you have a nude rodent other than the Skinny Pig at home? What breed do you have, and how is their immune system?


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