Does Your Dog Refuse Dry Food? Try Dog Food with Larger Proportion of Fresh Meat

Dry food with larger proportion of meat might not only have positive effects on dogs’ organisms, when processed well, it will also make happy even the pickiest gourmets that usually don’t like dry food. Thanks to a holistic approach, you’ll keep the dog healthy and in shape.

My dog is definitely not extra picky, he would probably even eat stones, if I put them into his bowl. However, I like to give him the best for his health and that’s why I go for quality food and I particularly like holistic food. I have recently come across a new line of such dry dog food – Brit Fresh. Thanks to its composition with high content of meat, I recommended it to a few acquaintances that have dry food haters at home. And it worked well! Therefore, I told myself it would be a shame not to share it with you.

Holistic food is complex and very well balanced. Its purpose is not only to feed the dog and satisfy its nutritional requirements, it tries to provide it with holistic health and avoid problems. Besides basic nutrients, holistic food also contains something extra. It is composed of a large proportion of meat, fruits, herbs and other natural and beneficial ingredients And you won’t find colourants and chemical appetizers. Holistic dog food has a positive effect on the whole organism of a dog, not only on its digestive tract. It might reduce the risk of common diseases and suppress the manifestations of some hereditary defects and diseases.

I liked Brit Fresh line because of the use of meat and side dishes from local sources which is very attractive to me. With a closer look at the contents, I found out that there is not only a large proportion of meat (40 %) but it is also processed fresh and in a gentle way. It does not lose its nutritional values and taste which you will get to know immediately when you open the bag. The smell is unmistakeable! This is also the reason why also my friends’ dogs decided to eat this dry dog food even though they hadn’t eaten this type of food before or do not eat more than one bag from one brand and then require a change.

According to holistic philosophy, you’ll find original gluten-free grain crops, beneficial traditional herbs, fruits and vegetables which is related to the efforts to get back to natural sources. The composition is basically created to positively influence the overall health and shape of a dog. All components of the food have their benefits and you won’t find empty calories in the form of side dishes which are, moreover, not healthy and difficult to digest (such as wheat, soya or corn). No unnecessary chemical substances such as colourants and appetizers are contained in it.

There are several flavours in this line and each one focuses on another issue. From the nutrition of puppies and support of bones and joints in growth or dogs under load to keeping fit. You only have to pick and thanks to fresh meat, I would be really surprised if it doesn’t work for your companion. If your dog still refuses dry food, I would check its mouth if it doesn’t have problem with its teeth or anything else.

Have you tried this line of dog food? And how did it end up?

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