Salmon oil: How to use it in dog care

Salmon oil is undoubtedly one of the most popular dog food supplements. How should you use it and what is good for it?

Salmon oil is a popular and sought-after supplement due to its high content of Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. Dogs cannot produce it themselves, which is why it is crucial for them to get these in their diet. Salmon was chosen as the most suitable fish because it is considered to be the purest fish. It lives for a shorter period of time, so it doesn't accumulate as many toxins in its body as other species.

In addition to these fatty acids, oil, whatever kind, is also important for the absorption of vitamins; they are fat soluble and their administration to the dog separately, without oil, would be useless. High-quality granules contain both substances, and there is no need to think about it further. However, there are situations in which oil supplementation is beneficial. You will do no harm by giving your dog the oil preventively.

Salmon oil, for example, helps get rid of skin and fur problems, making their coat shiny and healthy. It is also appropriate to include it in their diet in the period of shedding to get the hair healthy again. Omega-3 and biotin help achieve this.

Quick energy in the form of salmon oil will also be useful during recovery from illness or after surgery. It also promotes blood circulation, joints and the musculoskeletal system, helps maintain a healthy heart, has a beneficial effect on the dog's mental health and eyesight, and is recommended for immune system disorders or allergies. It is also anti-inflammatory. It also promotes healthy development of a fetus and proper growth of puppies. 

As you can see, salmon oil is good for more than just a shiny coat. You can reach for it in many different situations, and it is also great to add taste granules if your dog isn't thrilled about them. It's also a very important supplement for dogs on a BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) diet, as it will give him nutrients that are not contained in other types of meat. 

However, it's important to choose high-quality oil. It should be 100% cold pressed. You will certainly do no harm by choosing oil from your favorite brand of granules, as you've already tried and tested the quality of their product.

Do you use salmon oil? Do you give it to your dog all the time, or only in some situations?

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