Lykoi - the werewolf cat

Have you seen it? A cat that looks like it came from a horror movie. Lykoi is a new cat breed resembling a werewolf. Under the scary mask, however, hides an intelligent friendly cat with the nature of a dog.

Lykoi is not a cat for cowards. Waking up in the middle of the night during the full moon and seeing this cat look at you from a shelf or window sill could result in a heart attack. This breed has a very unique and unusual appearance, thanks to which its popularity is rapidly increasing. It got its name from the ancient Greek word "lykos" (wolf) because of its appearance. We've only been breeding this cat for 3 years in our country. The first pair was brought to our country by breeder Nina Holíková in 2016 from the United States directly from the founder of the breed. 

It was originally a natural and accidental mutation of a domestic cat. Controlled breeding of Lykoi cats began in 2011, but the breed is already well established. The most striking thing about these cats is their fur. Although it looks very rough to the eye, similar to the wolfhound, it is soft to touch. Its strange fur hides equally strange skin. It consists of two types of cells. One type is not able to create the hair, and the other is not able to hold it for a long period of time. This leads to an interesting effect - the fur changes. It changes in places where it grows, changing the overall appearance of the cat. 

Black Lykoi cats are the most sought-after because they are most similar to werewolves. For this reason, black domestic cats are most often mixed into the breed. This ensures sufficient genetic diversity and maintains their health. Their health has been very good so far, they have no genetic defects.

Their kind and friendly nature is in contrast to their wild and somewhat fearsome appearance. They are truly loyal and affectionate cats. They often become very attached to their owner and require human presence and attention. They're not shy to show their affection. You don't have to worry about getting a Lykoi cat even if you have dogs. They have a nature similar to dogs, and therefore usually get along very well with them. They don't only tolerate them, they often play with them as well. 

If you are looking for an intelligent, friendly breed with an unusual, unexceptionable appearance and strong health, the Lykoi cat is right for you!


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