How to Feed a Cat When It Loses Appetite?

Is your cat sick, stressed or does it have any other reason it doesn’t want to eat? There are a couple of tips how to restart its appetite.

There might be several reasons why a cat refuses to eat. It may be stress, a disease, vomiting and other, often unknown reasons (I have experience with cat’s inappetence due to rancid dry food caused by inappropriate storage). A cat might survive quite a long time without food but the situation is worse with water. Dehydration and renal impairment may put it in danger quite soon. It is necessary to provide the cat with enough fluids especially when it vomits or has diarrhoea.

To make it fancy drinking, you can try both, or mix a bit of its favourite meat pocket or salmon oil in water. Besides stopping the cat from being thirsty, you will also provide it with necessary nutrients and energy by this. You can use milk, too, but always opt for special milk for cats. Cats can’t digest cow milk and digestive problems, including diarrhoea, often follow after drinking it. Also, don’t try to make it eat or drink using other (e.g. human) food which is unsuitable for cats.

If there is no other way and the cat is too weak or absolutely refuses food and drinking, try to serve it using a spoon or a syringe. However, it should be calm and with no violence. Otherwise, your cat’s condition could get even worse.

You can also support your cat’s appetite with a delicious scent. Give it a meat pocket (some nicely smelly fish, for example) rather than dry food. You can also attract it with its favourite high-quality treats. Sometimes, also a trick when you take a little fluid from a meat can or pocket and put it on its muzzle works as well. Of course, it will immediately lick it and it
activates its taste buds.

It doesn’t have to be highlighted that if the pet has an upset stomach, it needs high-quality and therefore also easily digestible feed which is not any additional burden to the organism and the body gets everything it needs. Don’t provide the cat with excessive portions, rather feed it more often and slowly.

If inappetite lasts longer, you should contact your vet and consult your cat’s condition with him/her. (S)he will say if it’s necessary to see the patient or (s)he will at least give you advice on how to proceed.

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