Portraits of Popular Breeds at Home and Abroad: Siberian Cat

Siberian Cat is quite a new breed that was only recognized by the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFe) in 1992. It emerged from crossbreeding domestic cats and breeds brought from the Near East and it found its home in Russia and Ukraine where it comes from.

Two Types of Fur
The most typical sign of Siberian cats is their fur. They have two types of fur – for winter and for summer. The fur for winter consists of underfur the purpose of which is to keep the cat warm in harsh Siberian winters, and from covering hair which is water repellent. The cat is also protected from rain thanks to it. Siberian cat breeder Radka Havlenová says: “Longer hair and huge neck ruff, bib and panties are characteristic for winter fur. Because of the good thermal protection, they don’t even mind harsh weather such as rain but they also love the warmth in bed”.
The underfur moults for summer and in warmer weather and the cat then only has shorter hair compared to that in winter. 
Solid Figure
When it comes to body, Siberian cats have a very strong figure. Females are smaller in comparison to males, their weight is between 4 to 6 kilograms while males weigh from 6 to 9 kilograms.
Enough Time and Care
The main reason why Siberian cats are so cute is their fur – and it needs special care.  A lot of combing is required and they need a lot of care and human presence when moulting. Moreover, they are quite lively pets so it’s important to play with them and keep them entertained. Radka Havlenová gives advice: “Siberian cats hate to be alone and if their owners don’t have enough time to pay attention to them, it’s a good idea to get them a cat companion they will have fun with”.
Love for the Family
Siberian cats have strong bonds with people and the family they live with. They are empathic, perceptive, intelligent and very proud at the same time. They often like to express their feelings with sounds, for example by meowing, purring or even gentle barking. The breeder finishes their characteristics like this: “As Siberian cats aren't really shy or aggressive, they are perfect companions for children. Besides loving games, they also love heights and climbing”.

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