Pros and cons of castration. How will (not) your cat's behaviour change?

Nowadays, it is common for town cats as well as village cats to be castrated. The reasons are understandable and people have fortunately moved away from the old-fashioned tradition of drowning kittens. But what to expect from castration, especially in tomcats, or what not to expect? 

Have you decided to have your cat castrated and apart from regulating the cat population explosion in your village you also hope that your pet will be calmer and cuddlier? A common mistake that will surprise many cat lovers. Neither the temperament nor the character of your cat, or even the level of obedience, will not change by undergoing this procedure. But then, many owners have complained that their castrated tomcat became slightly more aggressive. How is it possible?

According to some sources, castrating is the most frequently performed veterinary procedure. It is a common, about half-hour long, operation. However, the removal of gonads does have an effect on your pet, even if it only affects behaviour controlled by the sex hormones. Your tomcat should therefore not be as inclined to run after his female companions. Neutered cats continue to mark their territory but the stinging odour of urine is significantly reduced. An important claim in support of castration, based on a number of studies, argues that it increases life expectancy.

Despite a speedy recovery, the cat deserves your increased attention and care like any pet patient. The wound, although very small, should be checked regularly. It is recommended to keep the cat calm, even if he is trying to get out. If possible, place the cat toilet as close to the resting animal as possible to prevent him from walking. Eating and drinking is not recommended until four hours or more after the operation.

Thanks to modern medicine, your pet will be fit again in several days, wanting to get back to the old ways. If the cat was used to mouse-hunting, do not be surprised if this habit persists even after the castration. It is also possible that the cat will get involved in a catfight, defending his territory. 

In some cases, it can take up to six weeks for hormonal changes to take effect. Until then, the cat can still show sexual behaviour towards female cats - if they live under the same roof or nearby.

If you feel that the cat is more aggressive, it is not caused by unsuccessful castration but by his nature. There are cat breeds known for their stronger dominant signs and behaviour. Accept your furry friend as he is. Not all cats are cuddly. And this often does not change with castration. Despite all this, there are more pros than cons of castration, especially when it comes to the quality of life of your feline companion.
Whatever your decision, we wish good health to all cats!

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