Overheating your dog

The approach of warm sunny days will surely entice many people to go for long walks. Many of us take our four-legged companions on vacation. It’s during these times that we should be careful about sunstroke, both for us and our dogs. How can we prevent our dogs from overheating, meaning hyperthermia? How to recognize it when it occurs and what to do about it?

We should never forget that when we people overheat, we start to sweat and this cools down our body to a certain degree. Dogs have no such option. They must only “make do” with panting and sticking out their tongue, basically using the air to cool off. Not much, huh? Moreover, their coats help in overheating them. They are therefore much more at risk of overheating than we are.

What happens when a dog is affected by hypothermia? Their panting removes water from the body. Without access to drinking water, dehydration will occur and lower their blood pressure, which in turn lowers the supply of oxygen and nutrients (like glucose) to the brain and organs and slows the removal of waste products from the body. The heart tries to compensate for the increased activity and the blood coagulates until they collapse into unconsciousness. At this moment the damage is permanent. The walls of the blood vessels are damaged and subcutaneous hemorrhaging or bleeding in the internal organs can occur. The kidneys can suffer damage from inadequate blood supply and the liver from disrupted metabolism.

The most susceptible to overheating are young, old, sick or overweight dogs, as well as, of course, dogs with thick coats and brachycephalic breeds (bulldogs, boxers, etc.). On this subject, hairless breeds can suffer from sunburn. It is also worth paying attention during summer to the fact that paws can get burnt on hot pavement!

On warm summer days we should go on longer walks with the dog only in the morning and evening hours and limit midday walks to the necessary calls of nature. But when we go for such trips, we don’t want to leave our friends at home alone and deprive them of the experience. In these cases, we should keep the dog in the shade as much as possible and not forget to replenish them with fluids (more often in smaller doses), let them rest between longer stretches of walking and cool them down, ideally by soaking their paws, under their forearms and thighs and their groin area or with cold water. On hot days we certainly shouldn’t give a dog ice or ice cream – you can learn more about that in the article Dog ice cream.

You can also buy a cooling vest or pad for your dog. Fiber technology allows composite material to absorb, retain or release water. Water is released by evaporation, energy is consumed, and this creates a cooling effect. It’s basically the same principle as the cooling that comes with sweating. Additionally, there is no wet fur and possibility of a skin rash to worry about.

How to tell if your dog is overheated?

Panting or labored breathing

Often sitting or raising their paws

Dry, warm skin

Foaming at the mouth

Bright red gums and tongue

Fast heartbeat

Apathetic, not interested in playing

At first the dog is restless, then appears disoriented

Cases of severe overheating and dehydration can cause vomiting, fever, diarrhea or the inability to move

If you notice any of the symptoms of overheating in your dog, you should cool them off as quickly as possible. But do not throw them into water! Such a big difference in temperature could cause them to go into shock, which would only increase the problem. Gradually soak down the dog, spray them down or wrap them in wet towels. Always use cold water, NEVER ice water. The most effective cooling is under their forearms, thighs and groin area, on their stomachs and between their toes. If they are responsive and able to drink, give them small amounts of cold water. After such initial treatment, it’s not unreasonable to take your dog to the vet to get an opinion on their condition and perhaps start treatment.

Don’t forget that overheating can occur at home as well. Make sure the sun doesn’t shine through your windows all day long and your dog is in a ventilated room with enough drinking water. Never leave your dog waiting in the car (we will talk more about that next time).

The consequences of overheating your dog are really nasty, so be alert and take good care of your buddy during summer days and don’t underestimate even mild overheating.

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