Dogs and cats in the world I: Greece

In this cycle, we shall take a look at how cats and dogs are getting along in the world. Where people nurture and spoil them, or on the contrary they suffer and their situation is critical. Today I would like to introduce you to the cats of Greece, where they are an inseparable part of everyday life.

In Greece you will meet a cat on every corner. They are literally everywhere, belonging to everyone and no one. They have no owner or their own bed at home, but nobody minds them or kicks them out. In the morning and evening you see them roaming the streets on their regular rounds and at noon they have a siesta, either sunning somewhere or lying in the shade of trees and nooks of harbor streets. Pictures of cats can be found on souvenirs of all kinds. From greeting cards, mugs, and calendars to towels.

Cats are simply a Greek symbol. They inherently belong to this land. They live “on the street” where people care for them and neglect them equally. The restaurant feeds them leftovers (although a substantial portion of their food comes from tourists), but no one takes them home in winter or cares about them. Of course there are some who take a sick cat from the street to the vet or care for them, but it’s not a general approach. Indifference prevails for the most part. Neutering here is unusual, so the cat population is allowed to grow freely and uncontrollably.

Naturally, some house cats can be found here, but they are still quite unusual and the stray ones are quite neglected. So if you go to Greece, be prepared to see hurt and sick cats on the street. The municipal shelters are already overcrowded.

The entry of Greece into the European Union improved the living conditions of animals. Thanks to many non-profit companies, shelters have begun to be built here, where stray cats are gathered up and neutered. Associations for feeding outdoor cats and spreading awareness about the necessity of neutering are also beginning.

Since it was practically impossible during times of crisis for somebody to adopt a cat from a shelter (on the contrary, owners were abandoning their pets on the street due to the lack of money), an attempt was made to locate cats outside the country.

Besides cats, you can also meet quite a few stray dogs on the street where the situation is not that much different. Although it may seem that Greece is a paradise for cats and their omnipresence gives towns and villages a friendly appearance, everything has its pros and cons. Do you have any personal experience with cats in Greece? Did you have the chance to find out how they live off-season?

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