A cat or a dog? Scientists made a research on which of them is smarter

Have you ever discussed whether a cat or a dog is more intelligent with your friends? Reportedly, scientists already know the answer. In this article, I mention a few facts and observations from a recently published research paper on this topic.

Have you ever discussed whether a cat or a dog is more intelligent with your friends? Reportedly, scientists already know the answer. In this article, I mention a few facts and observations from a recently published research paper on this topic.


Scientists have finally figured out who is smarter – a cat or a dog. In a research published in Frontiers in Neuroanatomy magazine, the scientists focused not only on the size of animals’ brains but also on the number of neurons in their neocortex. These grey cells, Hercule Poirot counted on when solving complicated crimes, are connected to thinking, planning and complex behaviour.


And what did they find out? The result may be a surprise for some of you. Even though cats are able to spread kind of an aura of (not only) intellectual superiority, they have half of the neurons less than an average golden retriever. While dogs have about 530 million neurons, there are only about 250 million in a cat’s brain (for comparison, a human has ca. 16 billion).


Doctor Suzana Herculano-Houzel, a faculty member of Vanderbilt University in Tennessee focusing on psychology and natural sciences, believes that the absolute number of neurons of an animal and especially those in the neocortex defines its mental capabilities and abilities to predict what is going to happen in their surroundings based on previous experience. The conclusion is that dogs have the ability to do much more complex and flexible things with their lives than cats.


In this research, also the brains of ferrets, raccoons, mongoose, hyenas, lions and brown bears were also examined. This group of carnivores was chosen to contain various brain sizes of both domesticated and wild animals. Ferrets have the least neurons and bears have only one more neuron compared to cats. After retrievers, lions have the biggest number of neurons closely followed by hyenas.


Anyway, the research showed that many animals with large brains have a small number of neurons and vice versa. A golden retriever can stand as an example of this fact, it has more neurons than animals with three times bigger brains. On the contrary, a bear has the same number of neurons as a cat, even though it has a ten times larger brain.


According to Cellia Haddon, a cat behaviourist and an author of a book on this topic, the reason why cats have less neurons than dogs may be the fact they are not so social animals as dogs. Dogs’ origins are in wolves who hunt in a pack and that’s why they need to master complicated, complex behaviour to be able to cooperate. In contrast, cats who hunt and often even live alone do not have such skills.


But does that mean that dogs are more intelligent than cats? After all, they get full bowls of goodies, our care and attention without having to do anything for that :). A breeder club however noted that most dog owners think their pets are the more intelligent (what a surprise).


However, this research at least gives us the explanation why dogs are so versatile. The fact why dogs are useful in so many social roles, from police officers and assistance dogs to guide, search and rescue dogs.


So what about you, do you agree with the conclusion of the research? Or do you rather tend to agree with Celia Haddon that the fact cats do not have so complex behavioural skills as dogs and they are not so much social as dogs does not mean they are more stupid?


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