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Cat Blogs Worth Following

Simon’s Cat, Grumpy Cat or Lil Bub, these are celebrities among cats almost every cat lover knows. However, I will introduce you to a few blogs related to cats in general where you can find interesting information, advice and experience from living...

Cats in Children Stories

Every proper cat lover is not just fine with having one cat companion at home. Some people collect cat figures, others fancy books about cats and some may like watching cat films. Do you like it, too? If you do, you might get some inspiration here.

A New Trend in the Pet World – Dog Rentals

In today’s hectic world, many people don’t dare to get a dog because of the financial burden it presents and the time it consumes. Others can’t have a dog because of their health issues. Nevertheless, they have an opportunity to spend some time with a...

Why do dogs howl?

Have you ever wondered in what situations dogs howl and why do they even do it? How is it possible that they still hang on this wolfs’ behaviour when they were domesticated such a long time ago?