How It Works with Allergy to Animals’ Fur II. – How to Avoid Allergens

Last time, I explained that allergy to fur as such does not exist. I wrote about allergens, the symptoms of allergy and the breeds that are hypoallergenic. Today, I will share with you how to cope with the allergy without giving your pet away.

Last time, I explained that allergy to fur as such does not exist. I wrote about allergens, the symptoms of allergy and the breeds that are hypoallergenic. Today, I will share with you how to cope with the allergy without giving your pet away.

When the allergy occurs, the best thing to do is certainly to get rid of the source of allergens. But that is an unimaginable situation to most of us and a much greater problem than the allergy itself. I wouldn’t give my animals away even if I should be choking until the end of my life. Fortunately, there are ways that can make it significantly easier for the allergic person without the pet leaving the household.

The most effective measure is to get an air purifier. But it has to be high-performance air purifier so it would be able to purify all the air in the room four times per hour. The effect of the purifier can be supported with the spray against perennial allergens. It can be useful also if you go for a visit somewhere where the animal that is the cause of your allergy is.

You can regularly remove the allergens from the animal – thanks to a cleaning product that removes allergens. It is similar to a conditioner but is really effective for neutralising the allergens. Moreover, the skin of your pet will be moisturised, so it is a win-win :) You can use a solution for removing the allergens for cats. In addition to the regular bath / using solution, combing out could be also helpful.

Male cats produce more sebum with more allergens. The castration is good for this.

To clean cat litter box liners often should go without saying.

More frequent and thorough cleaning is also helpful. When removing the allergens, it is necessary to put more attention to the places where the animal spends a lot of time. Especially to its bed and scratching posts for cats. To get your pet a bed that can be washed is the best thing to do. But a scratching post that is two meters high is probably not going to fit into the washing machine. Therefore, you should avoid buying plush scratching posts and rather choose washable alternatives for cleaning of which you can use the cleaning product against allergens.

Reducing the number of the things where the dust can be stored (such as carpets, cushions, etc.) will help. If your sofa is washable, get a cover that you can regularly wash for it. Dusting should be done more frequently.

It is important to get a good vacuum cleaner. It should be effective and it should be sealed well. It is worth it to spend more on the type with HEPA filter that can also clean the allergens from animals.

The allergic person should also have some allergen free zone only for himself/herself. The animal should not be allowed to go into bedroom or at least into bed. Or the animal should learn to sleep in its own bed and not to spend time on a sofa.

It may happen that your allergic reactions are so strong that there would be no other option than giving the animal away, for example to your friends or relatives.

Have you handled the situation and didn’t have to give your buddy away? Do you have any additional tips how to handle the allergy?


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