Cat skin problems

Dermatological problems are one of the most frequent reasons of veterinary visits. Cats often suffer from them as well. A skin problem may appear due to several reasons and you may not notice it immediately. Also because of the time that cats devote to the care of their fur, at first glance, it looks well-kept and healthy.

Dermatological problems are one of the most frequent reasons for veterinary visits. Cats often suffer from them as well. A skin problem may appear due to several reasons and you may not notice it immediately. Also because of the time that cats devote to the care of their fur, at first glance, it looks well-kept and healthy.

Healthy fur and skin should be smooth to the touch, the fur should appear clean and fluffy. A dermatological problem may manifest itself by excessive scratching or licking in certain areas. The skin may be reddish, with blisters, it may peel off or have an abnormal smell, the fur may moult locally.

One of the most typical causes are fungal skin infections. The causes of skin problems may also be mites or fleas. Another cause may be allergies. Whether it’s food allergies, or pollen or dust ones. Even hormonal disbalance may be at fault, the mental condition of the cat, it may be a symptom of an illness of a endocrinal or metabolic origin, an autoimmune reaction and other causes.

You can support the health of cat’s skin by suitable pet food with high content of essential fat acids or feed them with hypoallergenic pet food as prevention. You won’t make a mistake if you give them any food supplements or salmon or evening primrose oil.

But if any skin problem appears in your cat, you won’t be able to avoid a visit to the veterinary and prepare yourself, that it might be a long fight. The basic thing is to uncover the cause of the problem. Therefore, it is necessary, apart from other things, to carry out a complete and detailed examination. Since a dermatological problem often develops even for weeks or months, even its treatment takes a lot of time. Also just because the skin layer renews itself during for two to four weeks.

Did your cat have any skin problem? Tell us your experience.

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