Dog Puller. Both a game and a training for all kinds of dogs

Another possible sport at which you can play with your dog and exercise with them at the same time, is the Dog Puller. You can practice it with all the dog breeds, no matter the size or age.

Dog Puller belongs rather among newer sports, it originated in 2012 in Ukraine. For the first time, dogs competed in this discipline in 2016. In the same year, Dog Puller started to be practised more in the Czech Republic as well. Its founders Varvary Petrenko and Serge Shkota organised the first workshop in that year as well.  

The sport got its name from the aid itself called “puller”. Those are the rings, that are used for the game. Puller is a set of two purple rings that are made from such a material as not to damage the teeth or the gums of your dog. It can bite into the ring without destroying the ring’s shape or properties. You can choose from four sizes of a puller depending on your pet.  

In Dog Puller, you will intensively and easily exercise all the muscles of your dog in the form of a game and without much effort. It is important for your dog not to consider the puller to be a toy for chewing or biting, but to take it as a training aid. It is a thing for a game together, for fun and training. If you'd like to give your dog a proper training, it takes three easy exercises and the dog will put out as much energy as if it ran for five kilometres.

In Dog Puller, dogs can compete in two disciplines. In Puller Jumping, it's the dog's job to catch the ring while jumping with two or four paws up in the air. Points evaluate exactly in what position above the ground the dog puller caught itself and whether it didn't get away from the marked area. Puller Running is a competition in catching the ring while running. In this discipline, it's most important for the dog handler to throw the ring the right way, so that the dog doesn't get past the marked area and catches the puller on the move.  

But you can also use the puller for pulling and because it's very light and floats well on water, it's also suitable for aquatic revelries of your dogs.


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