Portraits of popular breeds both at home and abroad: The Persian Longhair

The Persian Longhairs, which have most likely descended from the Turkish Angoras, were bred in England at the end of the 19th century. Since then, they have undergone great changes, and today they have a much more compact body in comparison to the original cats, a larger round head with a shorter nose and a longer better-quality fur.

However, the breeding of an extremely short, almost a flat nose, is condemned by most breeders. Since it can lead to bad teeth, sloped jaws and clogged tear ducts. Therefore, quite a bit of knowledge is truly necessary for quality care.

Persian cats are bred in an innumerable number of colours and patterns. Thanks to that, they were used in breeding of other breeds for the introduction of other colours and often even for the improvement of body structure and shape of the skull.

With its character, it belongs among the cats with a very calm temperament. Their nature is often described as phlegmatic and very modest. They are resilient to stress and they don’t let themselves be disturbed by the events around them. That’s why they are suitable even for busy families with small children or dogs. Despite this, they love cuddling and they love to be pampered. They are also known for their friendliness and good-heartedness. Adult cats let themselves be invited to a game and frolicking, even though they would probably never start it themselves.

Their other advantage is that although they are social cats, contrary to most other breeds, they are can stay by themselves and don’t need the company of other cats to feel content. The same way, they feel good at home and usually aren’t much interested in going outside.

When you’re getting a Persian cat, you have to count with the fact, that a very important part of its care it’s caring for its fur. Its gorgeous, very dense and fine long hair gets tangled really easily and, therefore, it requires almost daily attention. It’s necessary to get the cats used to the brushing already since their kitten. Some cats hate it and then it’s stress both for you and the cat. Otherwise, it's a nice ritual that enhances the mutual relationship and a great relax for your furry friend.

You have to pay a lot of attention to the eyes as well. Persian cats often have problems with tearing. This way, dark tracks from tears appear on their cheeks, which must be carefully wiped clean every day. Otherwise, the hair would stay stained from the tears forever.

In the last few years the popularity of this breed dropped quite a bit, particularly because of problems they have due to their short nose caused by ill-considered breeding. There was a big boom again in the Czech Republic when an advert was put out where a Persian tomcat played the leading role. This ad noticeably revived the interest in the Persian longhair breed.

If you’re looking for a cat with a balanced temper that can stay home alone, but it will also welcome your company, and at the same time, you want a furry friend to whom you can devote your care every day, and you will not have to worry that it will pull out its claws on your children, the Persian cat might be the right cat for you.

Have you got a furry aristocrat at home? What character trait do you think sums it up the best?


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