Portraits of popular mini breeds at home and abroad: Miniature pinscher

Miniature pinscher is also called min pin or German pinscher. There is a great personality with a big heart inside its little body. It is a big warrior,sports dog and a tourist. Perfect sports for this breed are for example dog dancing or agility where they can use their nimbleness and swiftness.

Miniature pinscher is also called min pin or German pinscher. There is a great personality with a big heart inside its little body. It is a big warrior,sports dog and a tourist. Perfect sports for this breed are for example dog dancing or agility where they can use their nimbleness and swiftness.

But they go beyond their size in many other aspects. They are also great watchdogs. These incorruptible dogs are distrustful towards strangers and can beat many alarms. These dogs definitely don’t give up. Thanks to their big hearts, they love forming attachments with their owners and are cuddly and nice to them. They are self-confident, even-tempered and playful sociable dogs.

You have to require good behaviour and start with training from a young age of a miniature pinscher and be strict. They can be really wilful. But they are trained willingly and easily. Not every miniature breed is so open to work. They also need a lot of exercise. If you fail to take this aspect into consideration, it is highly probable that this dog will ruin your apartment equipment.

You wouldn’t guess it is such a small dog from the description of its behaviour. The mini pinscher only weighs from 4 to 6 kg. It has a muscular body with a great body posture. Movements are harmonious, certain and smooth. That makes these dogs look very elegant. Taking care of its short hair won’t take you a lot of time. It is enough to comb it and wipe it with a wet cloth.

It is necessary to dress miniature pinschers in winter and keep them moving. However, they are much more resistant to cold than they used to be. Excessive miniaturization resulted in bad blood circulation which then resulted in shivering.

Opposed to many mini breeds, miniature pinschers escaped hereditary diseases. They are healthy lively dogs that typically live long. They usually live to the age of 14 but it is no exception they even reach 17.

Have you got good experience with this breed? The less knowledgeable who will judge a dog according to its appearance and size might be surprised by its nature. I guess that mini pinscher can be a proof to the statement that size doesn’t matter.


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