Portraits of popular breeds in our country and abroad: Manx cat

The Manx cat is an ancient, natural breed living on the Isle of Man as a mouse hunter and a favorite household pet. Their extremely short, or almost nonexistent, tail is striking in contrast with the unremarkable appearance of an ordinary domestic cat.

The most striking part of the Manx cat is certainly its tail, or, to be more precise, the fact that they have a stumpy tail, or they have no tail at all, i.e. rumpy or rumpy-riser. Many people think that this cat breed has problems with balance and jumping, but it is not so. Manx cats have no movement restrictions.

The Manx cat has its roots on the British Isle of Man, from which its name is also derived. The breed arose naturally, a spontaneous mutation that led to the birth of a tailless kitten some four centuries ago. The tailless cat then reproduced and spread its gene pool on the island until there were more cats without a tail than with it.

Over time, cat lovers discovered the Manx cat and began exporting them from the island. They appeared at an exhibition in the US back in 1830, and then in Europe in 1890. Due to extreme interest in these tailless cats, the island government established a state kennel in the 1950s to combat the decrease in the number of these cats, and today the Manx cat is officially protected.

Manx cats are affectionate and they radiate calmness. They get along well with other animals as well as with people and children. Some, however, tend to get attached to one family member. They are smart cats; it's easy to teach them to fetch paper balls and walk with a harness. Their playfulness, which persists to their old age, is a contrast to their calm, peaceful nature.

They look like regular domestic cats. They have a medium-sized strong body, and their hind legs are clearly longer than their front legs. Their tails come in five different lengths: from a full-length tail and various shorter lengths to no tail at all. Their coat may be short or semi long in all natural colors.

If you don't want anything exotic but still want a cat that is interesting, yet friendly, balanced and playful, the Manx cat may be right for you.


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