Corn in dog food

Some places on the internet say that corn is just a cheap filler for dog food, or that it doesn't belong in a dog's bowl at all. But some high-quality dog food contains corn. So what's the truth about corn?

All grains are generally divided into two groups - with gluten and gluten-free. Those with gluten commonly found in dog food include wheat, oats, barley and rye. Gluten is a protein that causes adverse reactions in dogs just as in humans, both autoimmune (Crohn's disease) and allergies.

The second, gluten-free group of grains is much better tolerated and it includes corn, as well as millet, rice and sorghum. Corn is therefore a valuable and nutritious component in pet food. 

In addition to highly digestible carbohydrates, it also contains proteins, essential amino acids, Omega 6 fatty acids, starches, fats and other beneficial substances such as vitamin A, B-complex and fiber. It also contains antioxidants beta-carotene, vitamin E, lutein and others, as well as minerals such as zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, selenium, copper and manganese.

Many authors have already shown that corn causes allergies as often as rice. This is why corn and rice can be found in hypoallergenic feed. However, this doesn't mean that it cannot cause an adverse reaction. Just as different people may be hypersensitive to different foods, some dogs may not tolerate rice or corn well. However, this is very unlikely. 

Some may argue that dogs cannot digest the amount of starch found in corn, but we must not forget that today's dogs are much different from wolves, and this also applies to their digestive tract. They produce more enzymes that break down starch.

As you can see, corn is an important source of energy for dogs, and it's full of nutrients needed for their healthy life. It should therefore not be considered a mere filler. What's your experience with corn? Does the kibble you give your pets contain corn?

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