Portraits of Popular Breeds at Home and Abroad: Brabants

Brabants are small dogs with large hearts and a huge desire for learning. They come from Belgium and belong to a group of pinschers. They got into many hearts with their kind and friendly nature.

Brabants come from a wire-haired breed called Smousje in Belgium and their ancestors were great companions to coach drivers. They got their typical look with a small head and a flat nose with the help of Belgian breeders who experimented with Pug breeds, Yorkshire Terriers and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. 

Skilled and Kind-hearted Dogs
Brabants are fast learners who can do many tricks for a treat or praising. Some can even excel in agility. On the other hand, consistency and diligence are necessary in their upbringing. They need to have certain rules and routines just as any other dogs, but the treatment needs to be kind. Moreover, their hearty and sociable nature sometimes have the effect of the owner finding out that one Brabant is not enough in the household. They can impress everyone around them and quickly get into the spotlight. They are also great companions for children, they don't ruin fun, and they also enjoy different games or any kind of entertainment. 

Loyalty Above All
Moreover, they are also very intelligent and friendly, which is why they are also suitable for canistherapy. This goes hand in hand with their need of contact with humans. They have endless love for their masters. They can absolutely adjust to their family and their lifestyle. They don't care about whether or not their masters are active, because they can do both – they are equally enthusiastic about activities and movement, and about resting on the couch. 

City Watchdogs
Thanks to their small body, they are perfect companions for city apartments. However, they also like gardens or long walks. They cannot be seen as typical watchdogs, but given their loyalty to their owners, they will not allow unauthorized persons to get into their house. They will let you know about each visitor with their loud barking. 

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