CBD Products: When can they be beneficial?

We usually want only the best for our pets. That is why we often look for ways to improve their quality of life and make sure to support their health as much as possible. We feed them with the best on the market, include regular walks and activities in their regimes and don’t forget to cuddle and give them our love. Our care also includes their inner peace and well-being. This is one of the reasons why some owners give their furry friends products containing CBD. There are a number of types of such products with versatile use. What about their effects on animals?

No psychoactive effects

CBD is a substance found in cannabis plants, but there is no risk of any psychoactive effects when using it. This means that whether you choose to use it yourself or want to give it to your four-legged companions, you don’t have to worry about any side effects caused by the other substance, THC. CBD, on the other hand, has positive effects on the body by binding on the cannabinoid receptors. It can help manage long-term pain, induce calm and well-being and help manage minor injuries, such as paw injuries.


CBD is completely legal

Another common concern associated with CBD products is that whether they are legal. In our country, as well as in most member states of the European Union, CBC products comply with all legislation, so you don’t have to worry about any problems in this regard.


Drops, gels and oils

There are several ways to use CBD products. These include internal use where drops are added to food. Oils have the same use, but these, in addition, may also have a flavor, such as salmon. Products for internal use usually help to induce calm and well-being, or help with digestion and other problems. You can also find CBC products in the form of gels and ointments. Such products may help with local problems and injuries.


A great tool for injured paws

These problems include paw injuries, especially occurring in winter when various materials are used on roads and sidewalks. These materials irritate animal paws, and the salt gets into the fine skin on paws where it tears it easily. For our pets, walks and every step then turn into a painful experience.


Healthy skin and coat

There are also animal shampoos on the market that contain CBD. Their biggest advantage is that they ensure a healthy and great looking coat for your pet. They have a positive effect on animal skin, which they nourish and rid of old skin cells. They can also calm the skin, thus helping with discomfort after insect bites or minor irritation.


Freely available products

Products containing CBD are freely available on our market, so if you are considering buying one of them, just choose the one that will be suitable for your pet. There is not need to consult a veterinarian beforehand, but if you are unsure and want to include drops or oil in your pet’s diet, you may contact a veterinarian for correct dosage.

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