What’s your cat’s mood? This new app will tell you

The world of technology does not forget pets and their care. Now, developers have come up with a new app that will help you recognize your cat’s mood. 

The new app, which is based on artificial intelligence, recognizes even the slightest changes in the body language of your cat. The app constantly evaluates this data and will tell you how you cat is doing based on it. The news was reported by Reuters.

How does the app work? The principle is simple. And we already know it from a number of other apps designed for us bipeds. For example, for women, there are apps that can read their faces and tell at which stage of their cycle they are based on various indicators. This cat app works the same way, with you taking pictures of your feline friend. 

The app evaluates several factors according to the so-called Feline Grimace Scale, including head position, ear position and shape, mouth shape and whisker position. 

The cat mood algorithm was developed by Wild Rose Cat Clinic in Calgary, Canada in collaboration with experts in AI and advanced technologies. The main goal of the inventors of this tech gadget is to make it easier for novice breeders and veterinarians to recognize not only cat moods but also whether the cat is ill. Telling if your cat is ill is especially difficult if you have no previous experience. 

In addition, cats often suffer from anxiety, which is impossible to tell if we don’t know which indicators to follow. Symptoms of other health ailments are often visible to our breeder’s eye sometimes only at the stage when the animal has been suffering for some time. This app can help you detect earlier that something is wrong and it's time to seek a vet.

Like any novelty, the app isn’t perfect. All similar technologies using artificial intelligence are built upon constant learning based on new results. The more users use the app, the more data will the artificial intelligence have, and the more accurate will the results be.

The app can be a great tool. All you need is a phone with a camera. Since the app is new, we will have to wait for a bit before it arrives to our market.

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