Veterinary acupuncture will relieve dogs, cats and cattle

Acupuncture wants to harmonise the body and the mind. Some of you may have tried it, it was a great help to me personally with issues with my back and breathing. Precisely owing to my positive personal experience, the possibility to indulge dogs and cats with acupuncture caught my attention.

A notion of a dog or cat lying on a massage table with little needles inside its fur is quite funny, but nevertheless realistic. Therapists, which dedicate themselves to veterinary acupuncture, as this discipline is called, describe, that the animals almost don’t notice the insertion of the needle and that they’re resting during the procedure, and oftentimes, they even fall asleep.

Are you asking, how much it lasts? From a few seconds up to around half an hour. Since it is very individual for how long it is desirable to leave the needle work in the given spots. It is up to experience of the therapist. In the same manner, it is not possible to tell in advance how many visits will be necessary to make. After the issues disappear, it is a good idea according to experts to come with the pet about once a half year to the therapist so that they can assess, whether it’s not necessary to repeat the acupuncture for “fine-tuning”. It is interesting, that sometimes also dogs and cattle are treated with acupuncture.

In many points, veterinary acupuncture follows the human version of it, classical acupuncture. It works on the same principle. There’s only a fundamental change in diagnosis, when the therapist asks the human patient about various feelings and symptoms, while in the animal, this is not possible. Therefore, the selection of acupunctural points must be also consulted according to animal’s character.

With what diseases can acupuncture help? For example, in case of issues with the motion apparatus, dysplasia, dermatological diseases, neurological and urological disruptions or weakened immunity system…

From my point of view, veterinary acupuncture is one of the things, that are worth trying. Where the western medicine is not enough, it is precisely these kinds of alternatives which can help sometimes. What is your opinion on eastern medicine? Do you trust methods such as acupuncture?

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