All Cans Are Not Alike

There are quite a few dog food cans on the market. What should we take into account to pick the right one?

At first, we should ask ourselves a question: Do I look for complete pet food or just a dietary supplement? These two categories of cans which have entirely different purposes. 

As the name suggests, complete pet food is made to provide a dog with all necessary nutrients. Besides meat, there is also a side dish, for example, potatoes or rice. It also contains fruits, vegetables, herbs and minerals. 

However, 100% meat cans are only supplementary when you want to give your buddy something extra to complement dry food. More details on finding a high-quality can are here. In this article, we will focus more on what options there are at all.

There are monoprotein cans in both categories mentioned above. These only contain one kind of meat – muscles and offals. It reduces the risk of food allergies and intolerance. They are also a good choice for dogs with sensitive digestion. Therefore, you should pick a can with the same kind of meat as your dog’s dry food contains when choosing a 100% monoprotein can. 

Furthermore, we can divide cans into those with pieces of meat, pâtés or pâtés with pieces. Pâtés are better for puppies, older dogs, dogs with sensitive digestion, allergies, food intolerance or for dogs that have dental problems.  However, they also do well when we need to provide the dog with a lot of water. It is enough to mix water into the pâté. Pâtés with pieces of meat might be good for the dogs that don’t like the jelly that is often in cans with pieces of meat. 

Diet cans should also be mentioned here. However, we should use those only in a case our dog was examined by a vet and a particular diet was recommended. We shouldn’t experiment with special diets on our own. 

What cans do you and your dog companion prefer? Do you care only about the contents or also about the texture?

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