Portraits of Popular Breeds at Home and Abroad: Vizsla

The Vizsla comes from Hungary where it arrived with nomadic tribes. The written references about this breed can be traced back to 14th century, but it started to be more significant in 18th and 19th centuries, mainly in association with races just for Vizslas.

The breed has been officially recognized since 1930s.

This breed originated from the combination of other breeds – and a large part of them were hunting dogs. Even though the tradition of this breed is long, the Wizslas were only officially recognized as a separate breed in 1936 and now, they are one of the most well-known breeds for hunting in any conditions.


A Noble Breed

A Vizsla will capture your attention at the first glance with its short and shiny hair. It is a medium-sized breed with a slender body. “Its nobility is also obvious when a vizsla moves, it covers a lot of space with its trotting and its steps are unusually long” says Petr Zoubek who specializes in the breeding and training of hunting breeds.


Exceptional Hair

Vizslas pride themselves with their short and thick hair, tough at most parts of their bodies. It has different structure on hair and ear lobes – the hair there is softer and silkier. They typically have golden rust colour in several shadings. However, it can’t turn to red or brown and hair is seamless (it’s not only in exceptional cases). “Some Vizslas have white spots on the fore-chest or neck. However, it should not have a diameter larger than 5 centimetres,” says Petr Zoubek about other parameters for this breed.


A Perfect Companion

Vizslas are very friendly. Therefore, they are perfect companions for a family. Another great thing is that they can bond with the pack’s alpha quite easily. “It is a well-balanced breed which can be trained quite fast. However, it needs a suitable approach, because Vizslas can’t handle rough treatment and they require subtler handling with greater patience than other breeds,” says the breeder about the suitable approach towards the breed.


The Hunting Dog

Vizslas are hunting dogs who can use their skills in various environments. It can catch prey in the fields, in the forest as well as in the water. It’s mainly because of its great tracking skills – they won’t even lose the track underwater. Also, it's a great hunter because it’s not afraid of gunshots and it isn’t scared of game. “It seems like Vizslas are made for a wild life in the woods and natural environments. However, it’s not completely true. They love movement and hunting. But they can also get used to living in a flat,” adds Petr Zoubek.


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